Monday, February 28, 2011

My weekend recap....

Moving Day has come and gone...and I survived...BARELY!     I am amazed at how much was accomplished in 48 hours!  I could not have done it without the world's most magnificent family!  Thanks y'all!!   Now, Toots and I are working on unpacking a few more things and settling in.  I'm very happy with everything and feel so unbelievably blessed!  I'm excited about the future...  ;o)

Now, after having gotten that out of the way..what I REALLY want to do is whine about all my aches and pains from moving.  lol


  1. Ugh, I hate moving. =/ Glad you made it in your place! Have fun decorating it on a budget! Thrifting and DIY-ing stuff will be so much fun!

  2. Yeah, it's been fun so far! This weekend I plan on hanging stuff on the walls and spray painting some frames and stuff. :o)


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